If you have a 'player' record in one of the fantasy games, and you are also playing the fantasy game as an 'End User', you can have the ability to manage basic details of your 'player' record for that game.
For an 'End User' to have the ability to manage his/her own 'player' record, he/she MUST have been 'Verified' by the Game Admin of that fantasy game. Once verified, you can follow the steps below to manage your 'player' record on myclubtap.com.
Once your account has been verified and linked to your player profile on a fantasy game, you can directly update the below information that reflects on your player profile on that game.
Information you can update:
- Batting Style (for Cricket only)
- Bowling Style (for Cricket only)
- About Description
- Player Profile Photo
- Availability
Steps to follow:
- Login on a Sport on MyClubtap
- Click on your profile photo (top right corner)
- Click on 'My Players' link
- Update your player information as required
- Press 'Update' to complete and Save information
Key points:
- User can only be 'Verified' as a 'player', in one fantasy game only;
- User MUST have been 'Verified' by the 'Game Admin', to view his/her 'My Player' link;
- User should contact the 'Game Admin' to request verification of your profile to get access to 'My Player' link;
- Verified link can be de-linked at any time by the Game Admin;
- User is responsible for the image and MUST comply with MyClubtap Terms & Conditions at all times;
- Any objectionable images added to player profiles by users would be deleted and user access can be immediately limited by Game Admin and MyClubtap.