For New Members
- Must Signup on your Fantasy Hub to get a MyClubtap Member Account;
- Go to your Club/League's Fantasy Hub -;
- Click on 'Signup' to get a Member Account;
- Check email (spam/junk folder) for your verification email and verify their account;
- Login on MyClubtap -
- Existing Members can directly Login on MyClubtap;
- After login, Members are taken to ‘My Games’, which will have your Club/League’s Fantasy Hub added to their favorites 'My Games' list;
- Click on ‘Join’ on the available fantasy game block to access your game.
For Existing Members
- Login on MyClubtap -
- After login, Members are taken to ‘My Games’, which will have your Club/League’s Fantasy Hub added to their favorites 'My Games' list;
- If not already added, Members can search your Club/League Account under 'Find Account' section and click on the searched name to add your hub to his/her own favourite 'My Games' list;
- Click on ‘Join’ on your available fantasy game block to access your game.